About Our Loans
Your hard work and planning can only take you so far. Now you need some money to realize your business dream. CF South Georgian Bay can provide loans up to $300,000 for small businesses in our service area – Georgian Triangle or Dufferin County (view a map of our service area). If you need more than $300,000, CF SGB can access additional funds and partner with other lending organizations to meet your financing needs.
Our loans offer flexible financing with repayment terms designed for your maximum advantage. Loans are available for business start-up, purchase of an existing business, and expansion or maintenance of an established business.
The Community Futures South Georgian Bay volunteer Board of Directors reviews and evaluates each loan application and business plan on its own merits. Members of the Board are local business people with an interest in developing and diversifying our local economy.
Start-Up Loan
You have crafted your business dream, and now it is time to make it happen. We can help with a quick investment to get started.
- Funding: Up to $15K
- Less than one year
- Unsecured with approved credit
Business Improvement Loan
Take the next step toward reaching your business goals. Whether it is equipment, increased cash flow, or a new space, we will help make it happen.
- Funding: Up to $40K
- At least one year in operation
- Unsecured with approved credit
Business Investment Loan
Whether you are starting a new venture or expanding a current one it can feel like your business goals are miles away. We can help with financing and guidance.
- Funding: Up to $300K
- Any stage of business
- Secured loan (typically asset-based security)
Seasonal Loans
Apply through one of our existing loan products. You can make accelerated payments during the busy season and enjoy interest-only payments for up to four months during the slow season.
You Don’t Need to Do it Alone!
Connect with a CF Business Advisor before submitting. We can guide you through our custom Business Plan Template and Cashflow Projections Workbook while addressing any other questions you might have.
When you succeed, so do we.
Business Loan FAQs
Loans are available for business start up, purchase of an existing business, and expansion or maintenance of an established business.
We support all types of small to medium-sized industry and business. Our mission is to increase and maintain permanent jobs in our area of service.
Community Futures South Georgian Bay offers seminars and workshops throughout the year in partnership with other business support organizations and Economic Development departments throughout our service area. You can stay up-to-date on current business events by signing up to our newsletter.
The best place to start is to schedule an appointment with a CF Business Advisor -Book a FREE Consult General eligibility criteria include: – Your business must be located in the Georgian Triangle or Dufferin County (view map of our catchment area) – You must be involved in the day-to-day operations of the business – You must be of legal age and a resident of Canada – You have submitted a complete loan application with the outlined supporting documents.
We want you to succeed and will provide you with the resources, advice, guidelines and proper forms to make writing your plan as easy as possible (Business Plan Template CF SGB). However, we do not write the plan as it is your plan.
Our volunteer Board Of Directors reviews and evaluates each loan application and business plan on its own merits. Members of the Board are local business people with an interest in developing and diversifying our local economy. Every application is unique. The process from application to approval depends on the complexity of the application and may take from 4 to 6 weeks.
Yes. Our office works collaboratively with other lenders.
The Community Futures South Georgian Bay is a not-for-profit Community Futures Development Corporation sponsored by Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and governed by a community-based volunteer Board of Directors.
Community Futures South Georgian Bay is committed to ensuring that our local business community has access to a fair and unbiased approval and appeals process regarding loan applications. All loan applications are reviewed and approved by the Investment Review Committee (IRC) and the Board of Directors. Clients will be informed of Board’s decision of approval or decline of a loan. If a client is not satisfied with the Committee’s decision, they can make an appeal according to the Loan Appeal Process.